Monday, December 31, 2018

ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions -- Part 3

ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions -- Part 3

  1. What are Validation Annotations?
  2. What is Data Annotation Validator Attributes in MVC?
  3. What is Validation Summary in MVC?
  4. What is the use of remote validation in MVC?
  5. Server Side Validation in MVC?
  6. How to make sure Client Validation is enabled in ASP.Net MVC?
  7. How to use Jquery Plugins in ASP.Net MVC validation?
  8. In Server how to check whether model has error or not in ASP.Net MVC?
  9. How can we create Custom Error Page in MVC?
  10. What is GET and POST Actions Types?
  11. How can we determine action invoked from HTTP GET or HTTP POST?
  12. Explain Test Driven Development (TDD) ?
  13. Why to use Html.Partial in MVC?
  14. What is Html.RenderPartial?
  15. What is RouteConfig.cs in MVC?
  16. What are Scaffold templates in MVC?
  17. Explain the concept of MVC Scaffolding?
  18. Explain the types of Scaffoldings.
  19. Can a view be shared across multiple controllers? If Yes, How we can do that?
  20. What are the components required to create a route in MVC?
  21. Why to use “{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}” in routing in MVC?
  22. What are the two instances where routing is not implemented or required?
  23. What is Route Constraints in MVC?
  24. Can we add constraints to the route? If yes, explain how we can do it?
  25. What are the two ways to add constraints to a route?
  26. What are the possible Razor view extensions?
  27. What are the Main Razor Syntax Rules?
  28. What is PartialView in MVC?
  29. How do you create a partial view and consume it?
  30. What is the difference between View and Partial View?
  31. How we can add CSS in MVC?
  32. What is the use .Glimpse in MVC?
  33. What are the differences between Partial View and Display Template and Edit Templates in ASP.Net MVC?
  34. Explain the need of display mode in MVC.
  35. What is Representational State Transfer (REST) mean?
  36. Explain the tools used for unit testing in ASP.Net MVC?
  37. What are the different Approach in MVC using Entity Framework?
  38. What is Database First Approach in MVC using Entity Framework?
  39. What are the Folders in MVC application solutions?
  40. What are the methods of handling an Error in MVC?
  41. How can maintain session in MVC?
                 Click Here for Part 1            Click Here for Part 2

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