C# Interview Questions -- Part 3
71. Explain Get and Set Accessor properties?
72. What is a Thread? What is Multithreading?
73. Name some properties of Thread Class.
74. What are the different states of a Thread?
75. What are Async and Await?
76. What is a Deadlock?
77. Explain Lock, Monitors, and Mutex Object in Threading.
78. What is a Race Condition?
79. What is Thread Pooling?
80. What is Serialization?
81. What are the types of Serialization?
82. What is an XSD file?
83. What are the different types of constructors in C#?
84. Is overriding of a function possible in the same class?
85. What is a collection?
86. What is the lock statement in C#?
87. What are the difference between IEnumerable and IQueryable.
88. What is the difference between early binding and late binding in C#?
89. Which are the access modifiers available in C#?
90. What is Hashtable?
91. What is Garbage Collection?
92. Explain sealed class.
93. Give an example of using sealed class in C#.
94. What are the two different types of errors in C#.
95. Do we get error while executing “finally” block in C#.
96. Mention the assembly name where System namespace lies in C#.
97. What are value types in C#?
98. What are reference types in C#?
99. Explain access modifier “protected internal” in C#.
100. What you mean by inner exception in C#.
101. Can we use delegates for asynchronous method calls in C#?
102. Why to use “Nullable Coalescing Operator” (??) in C#?
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